RUn for the Cheetah
The Cheetah Conservation Fund's 5k run was a great way to support saving cheetahs.
A Great Event Wraps Up
After 7 years, the "Run For the Cheetah" event comes to an end (2011).
The Run for the Cheetah was a fun and exciting community event designed to raise awareness about the endangered cheetah and to raise funds to support the Cheetah Conservation Fund's programs. It was a great way to engage people of all ages and champion the cause to save cheetahs. A dedicated group of volunteers organized this event each year in Phoenix, AZ. Cheetah Kids was fortunate to be a part of it for five years. We meet many of our cheetah friends at these races, many who are still supporting the cause today.
The Run for the Cheetah was a fun and exciting community event designed to raise awareness about the endangered cheetah and to raise funds to support the Cheetah Conservation Fund's programs. It was a great way to engage people of all ages and champion the cause to save cheetahs. A dedicated group of volunteers organized this event each year in Phoenix, AZ. Cheetah Kids was fortunate to be a part of it for five years. We meet many of our cheetah friends at these races, many who are still supporting the cause today.
April 2011 7th Annual Cheetah Conservation Fund's Run for the Cheetah event
The fifth time's a charm!
Cheetah Kids participated in the Run for the Cheetah for its fifth time. It was great to see familiar faces and awesome cheetah friends. Cameron and Kristen helped Claudia (CCF AZ Chapter Lead) present awards to the 5k runners. Awards went not only given to the fastest but also the oldest and youngest runners.
It was great fun and we are fortunate to be a part of a group of volunteers who believe in the value of saving our wildlife.
April 2010 6th Annual Cheetah Conservation Fund's Run for the Cheetah event
Exciting to have Dr. Laurie Marker at the Run for the Cheetah.
This year's event had an extra air of excitiment with Dr. Marker and an Anatolian Shepherd dog there. Dr. Marker blew the horn at the start of the 5k race and shared with event goers the value of Anatolian Shepherd dogs to cheetahs. The Cheetah Kids booth did well again raising money for cheetahs and the CCF.
We had a ton of fun with our cheetah friends and Kristen loved being a 'cheetah' for the day. Thank you to everyone who made this event a success.
April 2009 5th Annual Cheetah Conservation Fund's Run for the Cheetah event
Beautiful morning raising awareness and funds for wild cheetahs.
The Run for the Cheetah event has grown to become a popular Spring time event in Phoenix. It is fun to see as the event draws all types of animal and cheetah lovers. Many dress in costume or sport a tail. :) Kristen was excited to get her face painted as a cheetah.
We enjoyed being with our cheetah supporters. The Cheetah Kids booth raised $355 to help save the wild cheetahs. All money raised goes to the CCF to help save cheetahs.
April 2008 4th Annual Cheetah Conservation Fund's Run for the Cheetah event
A warm sunny morning in Phoenix brings out lots of cheetah supporters.
A great day for a race. Many people came out to support saving cheetahs and enjoyed a morning of cheetah focused fun. The Cheetah Kids booth raised $320 to help save the wild cheetah in Namibia, Africa. Thanks to everyone who came out and made the run a success!
Dr. Laurie Marker sent an email to Cameron wishing him good luck on race day and attached a photo of Namibian kids wishing good luck at the race.
April 2007 3rd Annual Cheetah Conservation Fund's Run for the Cheetah event
Cheetah Kid's debuts it's first booth with great support.
A BIG thank you to all who came out!! The day was full of great fun as families came together to help the Cheetah Conservation Fund in their efforts to help save cheetahs. An even bigger thank you to all who supported out Cheetah Kids booth! We raised $505 for the CHeetah Conservation Fund. That translates to $3,800 Namibian Dollars!!!
Cameron presented the check to CCF's Claudia Whitehead (Arizona Chapter President) and Matti Nghikembua, CCF's Senior Research Assistant visiting from Namibia.